• Pandora Watering Can and Shovel Nature Charm

Pandora Watering Can and Shovel Nature Charm

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Cultivate your love for nature with the Pandora Watering Can and Shovel Nature Charm. Add this charm to your Pandora Moments bracelet and pay homage to the land that gives us life and joy with the fruits of its harvests. Stay unique and natural with the original Pandora style.

Finished by hand and made in sterling silver, the Pandora Watering Can and Shovel Nature Charm evokes the umbilical bond that keeps us united with nature and with our land. It is composed of a refined shovel decorated with two gleaming cubic zircons and a three-dimensional watering can that takes full realism with its round, holed head. On the watering can we find out the inscription 'Live life in full bloom' and, on the ring, a flower carved in relief with six bright petals that surround a striking yellow gem. Make to yourself a Pandora’s gift, let your natural spirit flourish up and combine your most emblematic Charms with the Pandora Watering Can and Shovel Nature Charm.

  • Reference:799359C01

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